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Friday, 28 October 2016

Causes and Solutions to Overheating on your Smartphone

Overheating in a smartphone can be caused by various factors. One of the factor is over gaming. Gaming obsession on a smartphone increases the work of the CPU. The amount of heat your smartphone produces is largely proportional to the amount of electricity moving through it. Reduce your gaming obsession and you the overheating will be reduced. Your phone becoming warm is no cause for alarm because it is designed that way, but if it becomes unpleasantly hot, you probably have to show concern. 

Another cause of overheating is using your WIFI Hotspot for a long time. Turn off your hotspot when you are not making use of it or probably turn it over for some minutes to make it warm. 

Dust or dirt on your smartphone blocks the little space for air to pass through your phone and this can lead to overheating.

Your battery should not be overcharged after it has reached 100 percent. Also monitor when your battery is filled up or you may consistently change your battery. Over charging your battery can overheat your phone which could lead to swollen of batteries. 

Disable application that are irrelevant to you to reduce the work load of your RAM and Processor. There are applications that are running in the background of your phone and these application can consume the RAM spaces and this can also heat up your device.

Exposing your battery or smartphone to a hot temperature can also cause overheating. Overheating can also drain your battery life faster.

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