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Friday, 21 October 2016

How to add Facebook Like Button on your Blog and drive traffic (Photos)

Social Media is a major way of driving traffic to your website or blog. If you are a blogger or a site owner and you don't have a Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter and other social media page for your website, then you have reduce the traffic on your website by a higher percentage.

This article is about how to create a Facebook like button on your blog/website.

You can actually redirect your Facebook page fans to your website or blog and make their pictures appear on your blog/website(Optional) following these steps:

Step One:

Enter the URL of your Facebook Page..for example www.facebook.com/ceejaynaija where the arrow is pointing at.

Adjust the width of the Like Button based on your blog layout. This depends on where you want it to appear.

Then Click Get Code

Step Two:

After clicking Get code, the first page that appears should be ignore. The code is not important. Just click the IFrame button after Javascript SDK. Copy all the codes as displayed on the image below:

Step Three:

Go back to your blog and click Layout. Select any of the column you want the like button to appear, preferably Right or Left Side bar and click Add Gadget. 

Scroll down and click HTML/Javascrpt then paste the code on the content. You can add a title like Facebook Followers. Then click save.

Refresh your Blog Page and Your Facebook Like Button will appear.

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