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Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Being a good person is not innate but learned

Biblically, we were told that no person is good not even one. Actually, this is not all about religion or being a Christian but it is about morals, draw a thin line.

I often hear people say "This man is naturally good or bad" depending on the scenario, but the truth is no one was born good or bad but the orientation you get from birth to the age of decision making is what defines your attitude.

Before we continue, let us know what makes one a good person.

1. Know what makes one a Good person: Being a good person is not just about not harming people or hating, but also what you have done for a person or people. For you to even love someone you have to first love yourself before sharing that energy to the world.

Do good to yourself, make yourself happy then you can now share same feelings to someone else. If you are not happy, there is no way you can make another happy.

Remember that when doing good to someone, you shouldn't have in mind that you will get something in return. No mutual benefit in doing good. Its a sacrifice without regret.

2. Stop the Comparison with others: Never blame yourself or ask question why this person has it and you don't. Life benefits can never be equal. There are millions of people you are better than. That wasted time you use to imitate someone you cannot be, use it to invest in something productive and viable.

Someone out there is also admiring your unique talents and intelligence.

3. Choose your Role model: It is quite pathetic that most people choose the wrong role models today and ended up destroying their lives.

There are people with great personalities you should try to attain their traits. I am not asking you to have the same business with them try to earn what they earn, but try to know the secrets of their success.

Find a way to apply those qualities to your lifestyle, relationship, business, education and so on.

Make your role models your close friends and those qualities will be easily be learned.

4.Be Yourself and Believe you are "perfect":

Don't let peer groups and so called friends discourage you from achieving those good qualities. They will also condemn your effort. True friends stand for each other. When you believe in yourself, it makes you genuine, makes you reflect positively and keeps you focus. Being "perfect" here means your  look or environment will not be a drawback in your life.

5. Make little changes: Change is something that is constant whether negative or positive, but what you need here is to make positive changes in your lifestyle. A little change in your negative side has a great impact in your new life. Set up a goal whether daily or weekly and try hard to achieve it.

You can say "Today, I will not take back at my mother even if she insults me". This is a goal that will change your whole day if you achieve it.

6. Pray and Meditate: Prayer and meditation gives a psychological and mental balance. It makes you find inner peace and focus on inner self. Your inner peace gives you that positive feelings and makes you become a better person.

Conclusion: Consistency is the key to achieve the above points. Like they say "Rome wasn't build in a day". Start somewhere, its is a gradual process. Doing good can connect you to good people, good places and make people have trust in you. Doing good is good business.

Hope this article was helpful?

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